TrafficPhoto by Georg Arthur Pflueger

Greetings folks. The purpose of this series is to vent my frustration with the most annoying person on the road….the idiot driver. If you’re in major city, you deal with at least 10 idiot drivers a day. Hell, you probably might be one and don’t realize it (or you’re in denial about it). In any case idiot drivers have a few traits:

  1. Incompetent
  2. Inconsiderate
  3. Driving a ride that barely passes inspection (usually because their buddy hooked them up)
  4. All of the above or a combination of two

If you fall into category #4, get a bicycle or take mass transit. You have no fucking business operating a motor vehicle. Keep in mind, my that frustration with these fools comes from my experience with driving in the Atlanta Metro & DC Metro areas. If you live in or visited these places, you’ve witnessed this vehicular fuckery first hand. Now let’s address the first idiot driver in this series.

The Passing Lane Hog

You’ve seen them…you’ve probably been one. These fuckers are like a rolling roadblock that’s hell bent on slowing the progress of those who like to get to their destinations efficiently. I know it’s a free country and you can drive in any lane you want. But come the fuck on…doing 45mph in the passing lane and not yielding to faster traffic is a bitch move. Some of you dickheads won’t even get out of the way of emergency vehicles. Do you see those flashing lights? Do you hear the sirens? That means, “GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY!!!”. If some one is behind you and flashing their headlights and you can’t go any faster, that means, “GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY!!!”. But your ass is so stupid that after you force drivers to illegally pass you on the right, you wanna speed up or flash your headlights in revenge.

The last time I checked, the a near universal road rule on this planet has been slower traffic keeps to the right….unless you’re in the U.K. or a former British colony. If you’re scared of high speed travel or your vehicle takes 20 minutes to get up to that speed, YOU are the slower traffic…stay your slow ass out of the passing lanes.

Stay tuned for more…