Big Family Thanksgiving

It’s October and I’d like to remind all that now is a good time to do your preliminary Thanksgiving preparedness. Make sure all your dry ingredients are topped off and sealed property. Gather and store your Thanksgiving cooking utensils, pots, and pans and store them separately from your usual stuff. Make sure your mixers, pressure cookers, slow cookers, grills, etc. are in proper working order. All Thanksgiving recipes books should be placed where you can easily find them.

Since we’re on recipes, there are important protocols you must follow. If you plan to introduce any new dishes, now is the time to do a trial run and gauge their appeal with various immediate family members. If you plan the highly risky (not recommended) challenge of making a change to a traditional family dish, you must submit your change to your respective council of aunties. These changes must be submitted no later than the beginning of the 4th week of October. All changes must pass a 60% threshold to meet the council’s approval…except Mac `n Cheese. Changes to Mac & Cheese must must be unanimous. Yeah…good luck with that.