
Many so-called “progressives” have a political mindset that is built not on an adult perception but that of childhood fantasy. A fantasy where their desire to be in certain political roles overrides the need to do those roles well. They are no longer carefree teenagers and the unwritten consequences of that have become acutely obvious to them. The life roles for which they envisioned for themselves when they were kids didn’t transition to who they became as adults.

They’re adults who still struggle with self identification and the reality of who they really are. They repeatedly gravitate to politicians who make grandiose political promises that are not feasible by any stretch of the imagination. On a national scale those politicians almost constantly lose elections. Then the ones that do win elections use their positions to obstruct those who really care about progress & are pragmatic with their approaches. These so-called “progressives” biggest worry isn’t losing, it’s that their identity would fade away and they will become forgettable…all while accusing others of “identity politics”.

Some Hipster

So-called “progressives” tend to have a twisted hero complex. In their minds, they expect to be the good guys, the enlightened ones, the progressive ones. Being privileged members of society, they feel their dispositions are justified. They were shackled to expecting maximum results with minimal effort is their birthright. In many cases they had the path paved for them…or at least given a participation trophy for breathing. In a way, this stunted the development of their social intelligence & understanding of Civics. But as adults, they feel they should be absolved of any more personal development or learning how a functioning democracy works. The result: This arrested development has made them into monsters.

I’ll show those “low information” voters!

So-called “progressives” are lazy, selfish, & worship awful role models. Their goals center around personal gain way more than they center on actual progress. In several cases we already see that they don’t even enjoy the small “wins” that they get. The wins are “not good enough” in their eyes…especially if one of their favorites doesn’t deliver said wins. Like seriously, “give a mouse a cookie…”. Even more frustrating is they don’t think that they’re being horrible. But their belligerence and expectation of what society owes them is what makes them the catalysts of other people’s misery…especially when it’s the misery of Black people. This is why they get bent out of shape when people with a better understanding of how the government works challenges their bullshit. Their political apathy makes them worse than the GOP in many ways.

You so-called “progressives” should do us all a favor and STFU and listen to people who know how to get real progress. You are not the enlightened ones that you think you are. You are not owed reverence, it is earned. So far you haven’t earned shit but the disdain of the people whom you claim to be allies. The last few election cycles makes you appear to be hell bent on ruining the progress that you say that you want.